Thanks for taking your time to read our review of the highly rated Cambridge cutthroat razor. When we were completing our research on straight razors of all kinds, this one was extremely popular with many buyers on the UK market.
We found over 300 buyer reviews for this particular razor, and that is a sure sign that this particular razor sells very well.
Anyone looking to buy this type of cutthroat will most likely understand that you can buy one of two types:
- A fixed blade that you will need to keep sharp and honed. To do that you will need to buy a razor strop and use it regularly
- A razor that use razor blades (half blades) and you can replace the blade when it goes blunt.
This Cambridge model is one where you use half of a razor blade, and replace that when it goes blunt.
We understand that some readers will not have time to read our full review, so we have provided a short summary review just below. For anyone who has a little more time you can read on to get a lot more detail.

All our product recommendations are based on our independent research which we conduct online by reading the many reviews we find at online websites. This review contains affiliate links and we may receive a commission for purchases made.
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Summary Review
- This is a straight or cutthroat razor that uses razor blades
- This model uses a swing lock mechanism that makes changing the blades fast, safe and easy
- The blade holder is made from high quality stainless steel
- The handle is made from Missanda wood which is tough and durable
- Comes with a leather pouch and canvas travel bag
Detailed Review
This straight razor is a very attractive looking cutthroat and many buyers simply love the traditional style of this razor. It is certainly a striking appearance with the logo well placed on both the handle of the razor and on the pouch and travel bag.
- Overall we found just over 2,500 online buyer reviews and they gave this razor an average buyer satisfaction rating of 86%
- 65% of those buyers gave this razor a 5 star review
- 5% of all buyers so far have given this a bad review.
Overall this is a very good rating and it has maintained this level of rating for many years. That is always a very good sign.
What Buyers Didn't Like
- A few buyers received a damaged or broken razor in the post
- Some buyers complained that this does not come with blades
- A couple of buyers said this really should only be used by professionals
What Buyers Did Like
- Buyers thought that this purchase represented very good value for money
- Buyers said that this held the blades very securely
- Buyers liked both the weight and the balance of this cutthroat
- Most buyers said that this model had a very "premium" look to it
- They also liked both the pouch and the bag
Our Review on the Classic
The really high end cutthroat razors cost an absolute fortune - ask any barber. Most people simply can not afford the luxury of buying one of those. That is especially true if they are only considering giving this type of wet shaving a try.
This Cambridge cutthroat gives you that option but at an affordable price. The razor looks great and the pouch and bag are a nice touch. They are particularly useful if you travel and want to take your razor with you. (Don't take this in hand luggage unless the blade is removed.)
Our only grumble here at the Emporium is we would have liked this razor to be slightly heavier. That would have made this model even better to use.
That said, this is a well balanced straight razor that feels really nice in the hand.
Understanding the Complaints
We always like to fully understand the complaints and never avoid doing that in any of our reviews. We like our readers to know the full story.
Faulty or Damaged Products
This does happen from time to time with any product. It could be a manufacturing problem at the factory. More likely it is the way that is has been treated or manhandled in the post. Either way, you should return it and get it replaced. Most online companies are very good at doing this.
No Blades
All manufacturers used to sell these with blades. Legally they are no longer allowed to do this in the United Kingdom. Blades fall under what is called the "Prohibited and restricted items list" at the Post Office.
You can still buy blades online but they have to be packaged in a certain way and marked as such.
Only to be Used by Professionals
A number of buyers complained about nicks and cuts and that this razor should only be used by a professional. We understand why they may believe this, but it is simply not true.
Almost anyone can use a cutthroat razor, but it takes a lot of practise and great care. You will not master this technique in a couple of days. On average it takes a couple of months to completely be in charge of a razor like this.
Slow and steady wins the race as they say. Always use short strokes and keep the blade angle under 30 degrees. The cheeks and the neck are the easiest to master first. Getting the top lip and under the lip will take a bit more time.
Holding the razor for the different strokes is also something that takes some time to master. if you are ambidextrous then it is a great deal easier, but sadly most of us are not.
Summary Review
- This is a straight or cutthroat razor that uses razor blades
- This model uses a swing lock mechanism that makes changing the blades fast, safe and easy
- The blade holder is made from high quality stainless steel
- The handle is made from Missanda wood which is tough and durable
Overall we like this razor a lot. We think it is a very good price and an excellent choice for any beginner to straight razor shaving. It certainly looks the part and overall buyers love the balance in this razor.
All cutthroats need to be respected. At the end of the day this is a sharp blade in direct contact with your skin. We would always recommend using a safety razor first for wet shaving, before moving to a cutthroat.
The reason we do that is that it is safer to use a safety razor, and it gives your skin the chance to get used to a razor blade. Once that happens then by all means give the cutthroat a chance.
Cutthroats are better for the environment, as there is no bulky packaging, no plastic handles, no batteries and no electricity bills.
However if this is not the cutthroat for you, then check out our top 10 list of cutthroats by clicking here.
If cutthroats are not the best choice for you, then we recommend reading our article on other types of wet shaving, which you can do by clicking here.
This Cambridge cutthroat sells really well online, and we think it is affordable and very well made. It makes a great gift for any man who prefers to have a wet shave. Like all cutthroats though, it does take some patience and practise.