Best Beard Trimmer Buying Guide and Detailed Reviews
Thanks for taking your time to read our reviews on the best beard trimmers, that are currently available on the UK marketplace. The growing of beards by men in the United Kingdom has exploded over the past 5 years. More and more men are moving away from the clean shave look, to some type of facial hair growth, be that a light stubble or a full blown beard.
Rather then having to regularly go to the barbers for a beard trim, men are buying bread trimmers, that they can use in the comfort of their own home. With a little practise these are easy enough to use, and they are also easy to clean and maintain.
We think the main benefits are that they put you in full control of your preferred look, and they are just convenient to own. These trimmers are a great way of taking care of your facial hair, and allow you to properly manage your beard.
What is the best beard trimmer on the UK market?
The best buyer rated beard trimmer available on the UK market right now is the Remington TouchTech Beard Trimmer for Men, available at Amazon UK and other stores such as Boots and Argos.
When we were doing our research (and we do a lot of that), we discovered that there are a lot of these available on the marketplace. What did surprise us though, is that many of them are quite frankly crap. They are badly made, the instructions are terrible, they break easily and there is virtually no customer support.
Now admittedly they are cheap, anywhere from as little as £5 and up to around £15. We have yet to find anything worthy of being called a beard trimmer at that price. What is more worrying, is that even in the £20-40 price range, there are still a lot of really bad trimmers. The good news is that there are also a lot of good quality trimmers in that price range.
In this article we have produced a top 10 list. We did this using actual buyer satisfaction ratings and reviews. You will not find any trimmer on that list with a buyer rating of less than 80%, or at least 4 out of 5 stars. That means they are all good to excellent quality.
Underneath those you will find a full and detailed beard trimmer buyer guide. In that we have explained the features and why they are important to consider. We have also included a section on how to use a beard trimmer, and one on how to maintain and look after your new trimmer.
Just below we have made a table of contents. If you see a particular topic that you want to read about, then simply click on that link, and you can jump straight to that section.
All our product recommendations are based on our independent research which we conduct online by reading the many reviews we find at online websites. This review contains affiliate links and we may receive a commission for purchases made.
You can read our affiliates page to find out more and also read about how we write our reviews.

Top 9 Buyer Rated Beard Trimmers in the UK
Just below you can see our top 9 list. If you click on any of the product names you can read our review of that particular beard trimmer.
- Remington Barba Beard Trimmer for Men - Best Seller
- Hatteker Cordless Beard Trimmer for Men
- Philips Series 5000 11-in-1 Multi Grooming Kit for Beard Hair and Body - Best for Stubble
- Philips Series 3000 7-in-1 Multi Grooming Kit for Beard and Hair - Best for Longer Beards
- Remington TouchTech Beard Trimmer for Men
- BaByliss Precision Beard Trimmer for Men - Cheapest
- Braun 10 in 1 Beard Trimmer
- Wahl Aqua Blade Beard and Stubble Trimmer
- Braun BT5060 Beard Trimmer and Hair Clipper
Below we have done more detailed reviews of each of the beard trimmers on our list.
1. Remington Barba Beard Trimmer for Men
Based on 33,000+ online buyer reviews
- This beard trimmer is actually the best selling beard trimmer online
- It has ceramic coated blades that cut the hair
- It has a pop up trimmer that is suitable for shaping hair around the chin and the sideburns area
- It has 9 length settings that can be selected by turning a zoom wheel on the handle until the length you want is displayed
- Comes with a 3 years guarantee
- 9 pre-set lengths settings 1.5 to 18 mm and Up to 40 minutes of cordless usage
- 69% of all online buyers gave this beard trimmer a full 5 star or 100% satisfaction review
- Has been a best seller for about 4 years now
- Many people like the Remington brand and this model has been tried and tested
- Buyers say it holds the charge really well making it great for regular users
- 4% of all buyers gave this trimmer a bad review
- Some buyers said that the battery started to fail
This has been the best selling beard trimmer for a very long time and there are thousands of buyer reviews on line for this model. It shows just how well it sells, and it continues to do just that.
2. HATTEKER Beard Trimmer for Men
90% buyer satisfaction based on 11,500+ online buyer reviews
- This set includes a bread trimmer, and can be used as a hair trimmer, a nose trimmer and a body groomer
- The trimmer uses high carbon self-sharpening stainless steel blades
- Gives 60 minutes of trimming time for a 1.5 hour of charging
- It comes with a range of guide combs which will allow you to achieve a wide range of hair styles.
- Can be washed and cleaned under a tap and combs with a cleaning brush and a useful standard hair comb
- Comes with a 12 month guarantee
- 73% of all online buyers gave this beard trimmer a full 5 star or 100% satisfaction review
- Buyers liked that the adjustable ends gave them extra precision when shaving the lines of the beard
- The majority of buyers said the charge did last for a long time
- Buyers also liked the accessories and said that they were useful to have
- 4% of all buyers gave this trimmer a bad review
- Some buyers said that it pinched their skin
- Some buyers said it left patches on their face
This is classed as a 5 in 1 grooming kit.
- The beard trimmer is the key feature of this kit. It has an adjustable beard trimmer comb with 3, 4, 5 and 6 mm options)
- This can then also be used as a hair trimmer with other sized combs (6, 9, 12 and 15 mm)
- The body groomer allows you to trim and shave below the neck
- There is also a full metal precision trimmer for those distinct lines and careful edges (this can be adjusted from 1-10 mm)
- There is also a nose and ear trimmer
The above then comes with 6 guide combs and a charger with a USB connection.
Overall buyers like this setup. We can't argue with the buyer reviews but we also think there are some down sides. The blades don't self sharpen, and the trimmer can't be used when it is charging. That is inconvenient especially if you are in a hurry.
Our only concern is the brand as there is very little available information about this brand. We couldn't find a website or any means of contacting them. Any guarantees with this product will be done by whoever you buy this trimmer from. The guarantee will still be valid through the retailer.
Getting parts for this in the future could be an issue, as we were not able to find any of these online.
3. Best Beard Trimmer for Stubble - Philips Series 5000 11-in-1 Multi Grooming Kit for Beard
Based on 14,000+ online buyer reviews
- This is multi-grooming kit,that gets very good buyer reviews
- The trimmer uses stainless steel blades
- Gives 80 minutes of trimming time for a 16 hour charge
- It has 11 tools in total that include a
precision shaver, a precision trimmer, 2 stubble combs (1 and 2 mm), 1 adjustable beard comb (3-7 mm), 3 hair combs (9, 12 and 16 mm), and 1 body comb (3 mm). - It also has an ear & nose trimmer attachment and a storage pouch
- 70% of all online buyers gave this beard trimmer a full 5 star or 100% satisfaction review
- Buyers liked that they could use these to trim their beard and also cut their hair
- Buyers liked the comb selection
- Some buyers liked the idea that this trimmer could be used for all over the body grooming
- 3% of all buyers gave this trimmer a bad review
- Some buyers said the product stopped working after a few months
- Some buyers said it simply stopped cutting effectively
- A few buyers complained about the battery life
This trimmer from the well known Philips brand remains a firm favourite in the UK marketplace. It sells on a regular basis and attracts good reviews with the odd exception. This trimmer does not need to be oiled so it is maintenance free.
4. Best Beard Trimmer for Long Beards - Philips Series 3000 7-in-1 Multi Grooming Kit for Beard and Hair
Based on 16,000+ online buyer reviews
- This is an affordable budget bread trimmer,that gets good buyer reviews
- The trimmer has self-sharpening, skin-friendly blades
- Gives 60 minutes of trimming time from a long 16 hour charge
- The kit has 2 stubble combs, 1 hair comb, and 2 beard combs
- It also has an ear and nose trimmer attachment and storage pouch
- 1 to 9 mm cutting lengths
- 60% of all online buyers gave this beard trimmer a full 5 star or 100% satisfaction review
- Buyers thought that overall it was very good value for money
- Buyers liked the way the combs attached and stayed there
- Buyers said that this is a good entry level trimmer that odes the basics pretty well
- 9% of all buyers gave this trimmer a bad review
- Some buyers said the charging time is too long
- Buyers seemed to like the trimmer but not the accessories
- A few buyers said this just does not hold its charge
5. Remington TouchTech Beard Trimmer for Men
88% buyer satisfaction based on 1,200+ online buyer reviews
- This is a high end beard trimmer that has a digital touch screen interface
- It also uses a powered motorised comb
- Has an amazing 175 different length settings in 0.1 mm increments from 0.4 mm to 18 mm
- 50 minutes run time from a 2 hour charge
- Can be used corded or cordless
- Comes with a travel pouch, beard comb, charging adapter and cleaning brush
- 68% of all online buyers gave this beard trimmer a full 5 star or 100% satisfaction review
- Buyers stated the range of hair lengths and the fine adjustments is amazing
- Buyers like the option of having low settings for hair length
- Buyers said it holds the charge really well and charges quickly enough
- A few buyers have described this model as the Rolls Royce of beard trimmers
- 5% of all buyers so far have given this trimmer a bad review
This is a high end trimmer that sits at the top of the range. We know it is expensive, but you really do get what you pay for. If you can afford it, then this is the one that we like the best.
The motorised comb cleverly sets the trimmers to up to 175 different length settings, with the ability to set these within 0.1 mm – allowing you to experience trimming with ultimate precision. It also has what is called the Remington GroomMotion technology - that means the screen illuminates when the trimmer is picked up, and sets itself to the last size that you picked.
When charging, the four charge indicator bars will light up one after the other. When the charging is complete, all four indicator bars will be lit. The TouchTech can be used corded but also cordless for up to 50 minutes, and can be easily charged on the move with a USB cable. It also has a travel lock.
This one will automatically shut off if you forget to power it down and that of course preserves the battery life.
It can be rinsed under the tap to clean.
Remington are of course a very well known shaving brand. They will always have available parts if you need them. They have a 12 month warranty as standard, and if you register your trimmer online, they will extend this by another year.
6. Best Budget Beard Trimmer - BaByliss Precision Beard Trimmer for Men
Based on 7,500+ online buyer reviews
- This is a cheap battery operated beard trimmer
- This battery trimmer has a 5 position multi-length comb guide to achieve your desired length
- There are also 3 jaw line and sideburn blending combs
- Three length settings 1.5 mm, 2.5 mm and 3.5 mm
- Comes with a storage stand
- The blades can be removed and cleaned
- Three-year guarantee
- 64% of all online buyers gave this beard trimmer a full 5 star or 100% satisfaction review
- Buyers stated that if you want something basic then this is the one
- Buyers say this is good for stubble maintenance
- In the main buyers say this does the job and nothing more
- 4% of all buyers gave this trimmer a bad review
- Some buyers said that it broke after a few months
- Buyers said it is impossible to use as the battery life deteriorates
This is a very basic beard trimmer that is cheap and cheerful. For the price it gets good enough reviews. It is also handy to have as a travel option.
7. Braun 10 in 1 Beard Trimmer
90% buyer satisfaction based on 6,500+ online buyer reviews
- This is a popular choice from the Braun brand
- It is much more than just a very good beard trimmer as it can also be used for ear hair trimming, nose hair trimming and it comes with a Gillette razor suitable for wet shaving
- It has really good quality metal blades and you have a choice of 13 settings so as you can pick your preferred length of hair and trim
- If you charge for one hour, that will give you 100 minutes time of trimming which is very impressive
- It comes with a set of combs from 0.5-21 mm and that should cover off any chosen preferences for beard thickness
- It is also washable and waterproof
- 70% of all online buyers gave this beard trimmer a full 5 star or 100% satisfaction review
- Buyers liked the fact that this had many uses and that was very easy to use
- Buyers like the convenience of one tool for hair, beard, nose and ear trimming
- Buyers said the trimmer is very precise
- 3% of buyers gave this trimmer a bad review
- Some buyers said that you can only adjust the trim length in 2 mm increments which they believe is not fine enough tuning
This is another basic trimmer that does a nice solid job. This is not a complicated trimmer so may be a very good choice for anyone new to buying a beard trimmer. The majority of the buyers liked the fact that this very easy to adjust the settings. For a few buyers there was not just the right incremental increases.
The guard forms part of the trimmer so you don't have to worry about losing combs. Buyers seemed to appreciate the lock switch as it stops any unintended movement of the comb while trimming.
The head of the blade can be quickly removed and that part can then be washed under running water.
What we really don't like about this trimmer is the very long charge time. 8 hours is a very long time, so really you are talking about an overnight charge. That is long when you compare it to other trimmers on the market. Buyers however don't seem to mind that, as the manufacturer states that very clearly upfront.
Hangsun may be unfamiliar to many in the UK, but it is a reliable and innovative brand. Hangsun’s product range is used across many markets including Europe, Hong Kong, China, Japan, America, and Australia. They do have an office in London and they do provide good after sales.
8. Wahl Aqua Blade Beard and Stubble Trimmer
Based on 3,000+ online buyer reviews
- This is the first one on the list from the popluar Wahl brand
- This can be used to trim shave and edge
- It has 12 guide combs that provides cutting lengths from 0.2-25 mm
- They do offer a limited lifetime warranty on the blade (not the trimmer)
- Can be used wet or dry
- Gives an impressive 180 minutes of cordless trimming from a full 60 minute charge
- 71% of all online buyers gave this beard trimmer a full 5 star or 100% satisfaction review
- Buyers were really impressed with the fast charging time
- Buyers were impressed with the cutting on this trimmer and said it never pulled or nicked
- Buyers said it is very good for getting precise lines
- 5% of all buyers gave this trimmer a bad review
- Some buyers said it was not good for thick hair
- A few buyers said it broke after a few months
Many buyers like the Wahl brand. This is one of their better trimmers.
9. Braun BT5060 Beard Trimmer
Based on 1,000+ online buyer reviews
- This model from Braun has sharp blades for even beard trimming and hair clipping
- It uses a precision dial and two combs to provide 39 length settings from 0.5-20 mm in 0.5 mm increments
- 39 length settings
- Good for longer beard styles using the 11 - 20 mm comb
- No pulling or tugging
- Comes with a 2-pin EU plug, compatible with most UK 2-pin bathroom plug sockets
- 70% of all online buyers gave this beard trimmer a full 5 star or 100% satisfaction review
- Buyers stated that this was really good value for money
- They thought there were plenty of features and they worked well together
- Buyers liked the fast charging time and the length of use from a single charge.
- 2% of all buyers gave this trimmer a bad review
- A couple of buyers received a damaged product and had to return it
- Comes with a shaver plug only
Most men will know the Braun shaving brand. This is a typical style beard trimmer that has some interesting features, and some guys just like to buy this brand.
Beard Trimmers for Long Beards
We get asked quite a lot which is the best beard trimmer for longer beards. With any longer beard you need a trimmer that has the right length options. For that it needs to be at the higher end of the cutting lengths. Most beard trimmers cover a range of 1- 9 mm and that is just too short for a longer beard.
Ideally you want one such as the Wahl Aqua Blade Beard Trimmer, which can give cutting lengths of up to 25 mm (about one inch long). That is the one we would recommend, though the Braun model on our list also offers this length option.
Beard Trimmers for Thick Beards
We also get asked quite a lot which is the best beard trimmer for thicker beards. The same question would apply to men with coarser hair. For that type of beard we think you need one with a more powerful motor.
The length may not be that important. We would recommend the Remington TouchTech Beard Trimmer for thicker hair as it is a powerful trimmer that auto adjusts to the hair thickness.
How do you choose a beard trimmer?
We always like to provide a full and detailed buyer's guide, as according to the feedback that we receive, our readers really love, this type of heavy detailed buying guide. We know that bear trimmers are not that expensive, but at the end of the day, who wants to throw away their money by inadvertently buying crap.
The standard for beard trimmers today is to be cordless. For a long time the only choice that you really had was to plug these into a socket on the wall. That of course meant you had to be near a socket, and you had the inconvenience of being restricted by the length of the electrical lead.
In today's UK market, that is no longer the case. Almost every beard trimmer is cordless and works off a rechargeable battery. You can either use these plugged into the main'e electricity socket, or as a battery cordless option. Many of these can now also be charged via a USB port.
Beard Trimmers vs Beard Trimmer Kits
You can buy a simple stand along beard trimmer that is no fuss and does exactly what it is supposed to do. Most manufacturers do however bundle items like combs and guards and call those a kit. Other manufacturers will have a trimmer, guards, combs and other items such as different cutting heads, scissors etc.
It gets difficult sometimes to understand how all these sets are packaged and offered.
Vacuum Beard Trimmers
The vast majority of beard trimmers simply trim the beard. The hairs then fall on to the surface below and that just depends on where you decide to shave. Most guys will do that in the bathroom, so the hairs will most likely fall into the sink.
Vacuum beard trimmers such as the Wahl vacuum beard trimmer, have a built-in suction that grabs most of the hairs (up to about 96% of them). That suction captures the hairs and puts them into a small chamber in the clippers. That chamber can then be emptied.
This is a much neater way of trimming as there is less mess to clean up afterwards. If you travel a lot then one of these vacuum beard trimmers is also a better option. They are classed as being no mess trimming and very easy clean up. On the better quality trimmers, the vacuum can be adjusted to suit the length of your beard.
Vacuum beard trimmers will usually be more expensive than a standard trimmer, simply because more engineering is required to make those.
Which Brands Make Beard Trimmers?
Most of the best known shaving and grooming brands will make a few models of beard trimmer. These include:
- Philips
- Braun
- Remington
- Wahl
- Babyliss
- Gillette
- Panasonic
There are also less known brands such as:
- Hatteker
- Fari
- Hangsun
- Suprent
Our advice is not to be over brand conscious when buying a beard trimmer. For example although Braun make fantastic electric shavers, the reviews on most of their beard trimmers are actually really poor. That is why only one model appears on our list. Wahl make great hair clippers, yet with beard trimmers most of the reviews are once again quite poor.
Clearly if you like a brand and trust that brand, then you may want to buy one of their products. It is just worth noting that some of the smaller brands have excellent beard trimmers, and we think they are worth a bit of consideration, in a very crowded marketplace.
How Much Do Beard Trimmers Cost?
At the basic entry level a bread trimmer costs around £15-20. Trimmers such as the Hangsun and Suprent sit in this range. The bigger brands do tend to ask more for their trimmers, bu they also tend to sell those as kits. They will be more expensive with an average price of between £35-40.
It is that price point where most sales are made. For that type of money, you are getting a high quality trimmer and all the right accessories. Most men report that their trimmer is good for at least 2-3 years, and most of those last up to 5 years, before they consider replacing it. All round, that seems like a good investment.
There are some beard trimmers that sit in the £60-75 range and these are classed as high end beard trimmers. To justify that price, they are made with the very best materials, and they are most certainly built to last for a very long time. The Remington Touchtech beard trimmer is a very good example of one of those.
Beard Trimmers Key Features
Beard Trimmer Cordless Batteries and Chargers Explained
Some beard trimmers will work as either corded or cordless. In other words, you can plug the trimmer into a main's socket and use it. With some models you can also plug it into a shaving socket in a bathroom.
Almost every beard trimmer is cordless and they will use some form of rechargeable battery. Normally these have a simple charger, but more and more, manufacturers are adding the option of a USB charging option. This is useful as then your trimmer can be charged using one of the many USB power banks available.
All you need for that is a standard USB cable, and most manufacturers will also supply that. If they don't you can pick one of those up for about £1-2.
Charging Time & Trimming Time
What is really important is the actual charging time. Charging times for trimmers vary a lot. They can be as little as 60 minutes, but with some models it can be as long as 12 hours. The cheaper options tend to take a very long time to charge up, and usually that will mean having to charge it overnight.
We have explained run time in more detail below.
Running out of Charge
This can be annoying, and it is especially annoying if there is no indication that is going to happen. On the lower priced models that is what can happen. The trimmer simply slows down and then grinds to a halt.
With some of the better models, warning lights come on to let you know, that the charge is dropping and that your trimmer needs to be recharged. We think this should be a standard feature, but be aware that it isn't.
Quick Charge
One way around the above problem is to have a feature known as a quick charge. This is where the battery can get a quick boost, and give you enough charge for a quick trim. That can be really useful especially when you are in a hurry, such as heading out to work.
Some trimmers simply don't have this and they need to be charged for a specific period before they are able to be used. That can be frustrating.
Beard Trimmer Run Time
Run time is simply the length of time a beard trimmer can be used from a single charge. Like the charging times explained above, the run time will also vary quite a lot.
- The standard run time for most of the cheaper trimmers is around 40 to 60 minutes
- For the better quality trimmers this can be 90 to 180 minutes of run time
- On the higher end models than can be 180 to 240 minutes of run time
The better quality and higher end models will almost always have a quick charge option. That will be something like a 1 minute charge to give you between 3-4 minutes of trimming. Great when you are in a hurry!
Beard Trimmer Blade Options and Types
The vast majority of beard trimmers will have stainless steel blades. That metal is used in most trimmers and hair clippers as it lasts a long time, and it will not rust. There are of course many different qualities of stainless steel. Some steel can be made quite cheaply, and high grade stainless steel is more expensive to make, but lasts longer.
In beard trimmers, this really doesn't matter a great deal. That is because the blades are quite small and sharp. They are not really put under any kind of stress, so the quality of the steel never gets tested.
Some manufacturers like Wahl and Remington prefer to use ceramic blades, in some of their higher end models.
Stainless Steel vs Ceramic Blades
- Both types of blades have a similar cut and they both cut well
- Stainless steel blades will get hot if used for a few minutes
- Stainless steel blades can also oxidise and if not cleaned can start to wear down
- Ceramic blades stay cool no matter how long they are used
- Ceramic blades are more brittle and may get damaged if you drop the trimmer
- Ceramic blades are slightly noisier than stainless steel blades
Beard Trimmer Combs Explained
Combs are simply attachments that clip on to the trimmer, By using them you control what length of hair is left on your beard. These combs come as a standard size to fit the trimmer. They do however vary in thickness, and it is this thickness that determines the length of hair left.
Comb cutting lengths can be different for each model of clipper, so you have to read those descriptions very closely.
Generally speaking, these will vary from 1 mm to 25 mm. Always remember that is the length of the hair that will be left to make up your beard. anything from 1-5 mm is a short fine beard and could be classed as a stubble look. at the 20-25 mm end that is a long enough and thicker beard.
A lot of models on sale only go from 1.5 - 12 mm. If you want a longer beard just make sure, that you pick a model with the larger comb options.
Beard Trimmer Length Settings Explained
Beard trimmer length options and combs work together. What you find with most trimmers is that you can use the trimmer without any combs. On the lowest setting they will give you something 0.5 - 1 mm of hair length. Very few models will give you a clean shave though. At the end of the day a beard trimmer is for trimming a beard and not for offering a cleans shave.
Cutting lengths can vary anything between 0.1 mm and all the way up to 25 mm.
Some models have a head that can be adjusted to give you the cutting lengths such as the Suprena beard trimmer. This is done using either a lever or a knob to set the required length.
With others, they use a combination of an adjustable head and combs combined, such as the Hatteker model.
Waterproof vs Shower Proof?
This can get confusing. You really can't take a beard trimmer into the shower. All of them have some type of battery in them and although the body may be sealed, there is always a chance of leaking. You do want your trimmer to be waterproof.
With most of them you can clean the heads under a tap, but the rest is better to keep dry.
Beard Trimmer Accessories - What Are They?
Our advice here is not to get too hooked up on the "extras." Manufacturers and retailers add some accessories such as nose and ear trimmers to their core beard trimmer. Some may also add scissors, shaping tools and extra guards.
While these are nice to have, they invariably disappoint as the quality is often suspect. The reason they are added is to create a perception of value. "Look at all the things that you are getting for your money." The reality is that what you want is a very high quality beard trimmer, that keeps your beard well groomed.
That has nothing to do with some nose or ear hair.
How to Use a Beard Trimmer?
It is hard to describe how to use a beard trimmer properly. We think it is much better to see it on video.
One tip we would offer is that your beard, moustache or sideburn hair should be dry. Avoid applying any lotions before use.
How to Maintain Your Beard Trimmer?
The best way to maintain your beard trimmer is to read whatever instructions came with the package. Different brands and in fact different models will have different requirements.
Some trimmers need no maintenance at all, wheras others may need some oil from time to time.
Cleaning the heads regularly is probably the most important thing to do.
Hopefully by now, you know a great deal more about beard trimmers, that you did before you started reading this article. Thanks for taking your time to do that, and if you have any comments please feel free to leave those.