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Best Shaving Soap for Sensitive Skin UK


Best Shaving Soap for Sensitive Skin

Thanks for taking the time to read our review on the best shaving soap for sensitive skin. We really do feel your pain here at the Emporium, which is the main reason that we have written this article.

Unless you actually have sensitive skin, then it is really hard to explain how important using the right soap and the right shaver really is. Anyone who has suffered by using the wrong products will know the irritation, and quite often the pain, of having their skin set on fire.

We could give you a list of shaving soaps to try, but to be honest, we don't think that will solve your problem quickly. You may eventually find a solution, but that would be more trial and error than finding the right soap quickly.

So below we have outlined the reasons whey men get sensitive skin, and then recommended a high quality but affordable shaving soap, which works for the vast majority of men.

All our product recommendations are based on our independent research which we conduct online by reading the many reviews we find at online websites. This review contains affiliate links and we may receive a commission for purchases made.

You can read our affiliates page to find out more and also read about how we write our reviews.

In a Hurry?

According to our research the best shaving soap for sensitive skin is the Proraso Shaving Soap For Sensitive Skin. According to online buyers this one has worked the best for them.

What Does Sensitive Skin Mean?

Sensitive skin is not just a single medical condition. It covers a range of medical skin conditions, so no single product is going to be best for a general term such as sensitive skin.

Some men will suffer from what are classed as genetic issues and these include things like rosacea and eczema. On the other side of skin condition, there are some men who may, at certain times in their life, have an allergic reaction to a product they used or even to something that they have eaten.

In other words sensitive skin is classed differently by different groups of men. It is also classed differently by medial staff and clinicians.

There are however a few classic tell tale signs that you have sensitive skin of a kind, or that you may be starting to develop sensitive skin. Watch out for these just to be sure. We have listed those below:

  1. Your skin is flushed
  2. Your skin is prone to rashes or small bumps
  3. Skin products such as after shave or moisturisers may start to nip, sting or even burn
  4. Your skin may start to dry up as it lacks moisture
  5. If you start to find you skin getting itchy is a key sign of the development of sensitive skin
  6. Your skin starts to react during bad weather especially the cold weather, or your face gets red in the sun, when it didn't flare up before
  7. You are starting to get small broken blood vessels which show as small spots around the nose and cheeks

Dermatology and Skin Sensitivity

Men will think or believe they have sensitive skin, when that is not even the case. The medical and scientific skin experts are known as dermatologists. When they check a human for sensitive skin, they look for particular signs.

These include:

  • Skin bumps, skin erosion and pustules(a pimple containing pus)
  • Very dry skin
  • Signs of blushing or flushing of the skin

It is therefore pretty safe to say that if your skin has started to flush, get dry or you start to notice bumps and rashes, then the chances are that you do indeed have a form or variant of sensitive skin.

What Causes Sensitive Skin?

There are so many factors that can cause sensitive skin, that it would be impossible to list them all here.


They divide into two main camps, genetic and other. The genetic problems are simply caused from your gene pool. In other words if your dad had sensitive skin, then most likely you will too. There is very little that you can do about that, other than to take extra care with it.


Likewise age can play a huge part as skin does stretch over time and get thinner. As the skin gets thinner, then it is more prone to damage from the weather and the elements.


These do give you a fighting chance as they may just be a one off happening. You could have just been unlucky, or you may just be allergic to a single product. If that is the case then you simply need to figure out what that product was and avoid it.

How to Care for Sensitive Skin on the Face?

We know that this is an article on the best shaving soap for sensitive skin, so the advice we offer may at first sound strange, but please bear with us, as we really want you to understand this problem, and be able to deal with it.

Cleaning the Skin

Stay a million miles away from any soap that contains any kind of deodorant. Those types of fragranced soaps have as ingredients very strong detergents, and should never be used on the face.

Use a mild cleansing bar like the Neutrogena Facial Cleansing Bar (available at Amazon UK) to keep your skin clean and free from detergents. This cleansing soap is hypoallergenic and contains no harsh detergents, dyes or hardeners and is 100% fragrance free.

Moisturising the Skin

We mentioned the different factors that can show you have sensitive skin, and one of those was having dry skin. This is where the skin can no longer protect nerve endings, and that can lead to skin reactions.

For men with dry skin we would recommend the Aveeno Moisturizing Bar For Dry Skin (available at Amazon UK) That soap is fragrance-free, dye-free, and soap-free.

For any soap, and especially for shaving soap you want a soap with few ingredients and no fragrance. You also want to avoid anti-bacterial, alcohol, deodorant, retinoid or alpha-hydroxy ingredients.

Best Shaving Soap for Sensitive Skin

Proraso Shaving Soap in a Bowl, 150ml, Sensitive Skin Shaving Soap with Green Tea and Oat, Made in Italy, White

So finally we get to the important part, but we did want to explain, the different causes and ideas to help control sensitive skin. So when it comes to shaving, there are as we have mentioned earlier, a wide range of products all claiming to help people with this problem.

When it comes to a shaving soap, the one that we would recommend is the Proraso Shaving Soap For Sensitive Skin. When we did our research, then that one always seemed to come out the best in this category.

This shaving soap is made in Italy and it contains glycerin. Glycerin is a colorless and odorless liquid that comes from plant sources. Glycerin is the core base product of this shaving soap.

It also contains "Aloe" and "Green Tea."

Aloe is also a plant and is known for its cooling and soothing of the skin. That is why you will find it in many after sun products. It is also used to reduce skin irritation,and help deal with skin inflammation such as eczema and acne.

Green tea helps fight skin cancer, has anti-inflammatory properties, and helps a lot with unclogging the pores, which them promotes healthy skin cell growth.


  • Buyers give this a 92% satisfaction rating online
  • No buyer so far has given this soap a bad review
  • Buyers said the soap is soft but not creamy and lathers up really well with a brush or by hand
  • Many men with sensitive skin said that the smell is not potent, and was neutral with a hint of aloe vera.
  • Several buyers who had allergies used this and said it worked for them


  • No real complaints about this soap
  • There were a few grumbles about it having no smell at all

Sensitive Skin Care Routine

There is more to sensitive skin care than just shaving properly. In our opinion using a shaving soap like the one above will help a lot. However you need to follow the same guidelines for any soap that you are putting near your face.

So this shaving soap should simply form part of your care routine. You really should line up all of your products that you plan on putting on your face. Moisturising your face becomes very important, as does protecting it from the sun's rays.

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Thanks for visiting the Shaving Emporium website. This is a shaving website aimed at readers in the UK and Ireland. We are experienced experts and have included lots of information about shaving and grooming, and we have also completed detailed research that helps us write our product reviews. We like to have our information as up to date as possible.

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