Calming Clipper UK Review


Thanks for taking your time to read our review of the Calming Clipper 10 piece hair cutting kit. This is a good choice for any child with sensory sensitivity.

This particular set of clippers came out as the number six buyer rated on our top 6 list of clippers that are suitable for using with children and babies.

As you will see from the look of this kit, it is very different to the other hair clipper options that are available on the UK market.

Most parents will fully understand that trips to the barbershop represent a real problem for anyone with sensory sensitivity. One alternative to that is to try and do this at home.

To be able to achieve that, you will need some form of hair clippers. These are one possible solution that will help achieve that. Buyers say that you will take a couple of times to master these, but when you do, they think they are marvelous.

All our product recommendations are based on our independent research which we conduct online by reading the many reviews we find at online websites. This review contains affiliate links and we may receive a commission for purchases made.

You can read our affiliates page to find out more and also read about how we write our reviews.

How Buyers Rate the Calming Clippers

Just below we show you how buyers rate these clippers. We visit the various websites where these clippers are sold, and make a note of the ratings given to them by buyers.

We then add those up and work out an average overall buyer satisfaction rating. You will see that shown in the percentage figure below.

Buyer Satisfaction
  • Overall buyers gave these clippers an overall buyer satisfaction rating of 78%
  • 55% of all buyers gave these a 5 star review
  • 12% of all buyers gave these a bad review

What Buyers Say About the Calming Hair Clippers?

Now we know how buyers rate these clippers. In this section we look at both the good and bad comments that online buyers had to say about these clippers.


  • Buyers said they do take a few minutes to get used to, but once you do they do an excellent job
  • Buyers were very pleased with the results that they got
  • Buyers said these were great for kids who hated noisy clippers
  • Buyers say that you need to take the time and read the instructions to be able to use these the right way


  • Some buyers said they were impossible to use
  • Very awkward to hold

Who Should Buy These Clippers?

These clippers are best suited for anyone who has a child with a dislike for the barbers, hairdressers or hates the sound of noisy clippers. They are at least worth a try and you can do this in the comfort of your own home.

Clipper Specification

Many potential buyers also like to know the technical details of any product they are going to purchase. We have explained those just below.

  • Measures 10.2 x 20.3 x 5.1 cm and they weigh 141 grams
  • These are to all intensive purposes quiet and there are no vibrations
  • The manufacturer states that these are perfect for anyone with sensory sensitivity
  • They are suitable for children and all ages
  • The manufacturer offers a 100% unconditional guarantee for 1 year
  • Comes as 10 piece kit and the kit includes professional grade stainless steel barber scissors that have been specially adapted to use attachment combs, a set of 7 attachment combs, a comb organizer and barber cape

Our Opinion on the Calming Clipper 10 Piece Hair Cutting Kit for Sensory Sensitivity

These clippers did come out as the number six highest buyer rated when we completed our research on the best hair clippers for kids.

There are other clippers that are worse than these, but when we did our research, these came out at the bottom of our top 6 list.

They are certainly different very different in the way that they operate, when compared to the normal hair clipper range

If these are not the kid's clippers for you, then why not check out our top 6 list of children's hair clippers by clicking here.

These are best described as quirky. Those buyers who left good ratings really did like them a lot. At the other end of the buyer ratings there are a few buyers who just thought these were rubbish.

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